NorCal Incident Reporting



Type of Incident:Referee
Date of Incident:2023-04-16
Time of Incident:13:45:00
Location of Incident:Promontory - El Dorado Hills
Home Team:EDHSC 09B Blue
Visiting Team:09B Blue
Age Group and Gender:U14B
Team Affiliation of Individual Committing Incident:EDHSC 09B Blue
Incident Summary:Azzurri alleged that they were not allowed to sign the game card after the match. Azzurri claimed that multiple players on the El Dorado team had the same number.
Comments:Referees should always permit the coach of both teams to see the game card after the match, sign it and take a photo.
In this case, the Azzurri coach should have noted the protest in writing on the game card prior to the start of the match.
If Azzurri wishes to protest this match, that can be done by filling out the game protest form found on the PAD page of the NorCal website.