NorCal Incident Reporting



Type of Incident:Ethics
Date of Incident:2023-05-23
Time of Incident:14:45:00
Location of Incident:Lathrop
Home Team:N/A
Visiting Team:Valley Surf
Age Group and Gender:Unsure
Team Affiliation of Individual Committing Incident:Valley Surf
Incident Summary:Allegation that a Facebook post by Valley Surf was derogatory towards Manteca FC and their Club Administrator.
Comments:The PAD Committee does not determine here whether the statement published by Valley Surf is slanderous, libelous, or defamatory. The PAD Committee limits its determination to whether or not the statement is derogatory and thus in violation of Section 4.4(9) of the NorCal Handbook. The PAD Committee finds the statement posted by Valley Surf violates Section 4.4(9) and refers the Incident to the Board of Directors to determine the appropriate sanction to be imposed upon Valley Surf. PAD Committee member Roger Casci, an Adult Member of Valley Surf, was recused from the discussion of this incident.