NorCal Incident Reporting



Type of Incident:Sportsmanship — May be used if a team, player, coach, or spectator is involved.
Date of Incident:2022-09-10
Time of Incident:12:00:00
Location of Incident:Prospect High School Back Field
Home Team:West Valley Soccer Club United 07B Maroo
Visiting Team: San Francisco Seals SF Seals 07B Black
Age Group and Gender:U16B
Team Affiliation of Individual Committing Incident: San Francisco Seals SF Seals 07B Black
Incident Summary:Allegation that a Seals player elbowed a West Valley player leading the West Valley player to make derogatory comments about the Seals' players mother. The West Valley player then verbally sparred with the Seals spectators. After the game a Seals' spectator allegedly tried to confront the West Valley player and then followed the West Valley families' car in his car.
Comments:The PAD Committee takes no action. Incidents that occur away from the field like this are potentially criminal matters that should involve the police.