NorCal Incident Reporting



Type of Incident:Ethics
Date of Incident:2016-07-04
Time of Incident:01:25:00
Location of Incident:Heritage Soccer Club
Home Team:Heritage SC
Visiting Team:NorthBay Elite FC
Age Group and Gender:U09B
Team Affiliation of Individual Committing Incident:Heritage SC
Incident Summary:Allegation that Heritage recruited a player from North Bay Elite.
Comments:The PAD Committee finds that the player was invited by a Heritage coach to attend Heritage training despite the fact the player was registered with North Bay Elite and the Heritage coach knew the player was registered with North Bay Elite. Per the NorCal rules, asking a player to train with a team while registered with another club without clearing it with the current club's DOC is a recruiting violation.
For this violation, Heritage is placed on probation for 1 year.
The coach of the Heritage team, Billy Kessler is suspended either (a) for 4 Norcal games if the player does not play for the Heritage team or (b) through December 31, 2016 if the player plays with the Heritage team.