NorCal Incident Reporting



Type of Incident:Coach
Date of Incident:2012-12-20
Time of Incident:01:15:00
Location of Incident:N/A
Home Team:None
Visiting Team:None
Age Group and Gender:Unsure
Team Affiliation of Individual Committing Incident:Briceno
Incident Summary:Briceno using fields in the San Rafael area
Comments:The NorCal PAD Committee has received and responded to two prior complaints of the Bricerno Soccer Club operating outside the boundaries of their original Club charter filed with US Club and the NorCal premier League. In each instance, the NPL PAD Committee issued warning to the Bricerno Soccer Club to abide by its charter and respect the territory of neighboring clubs.

In addition, the NorCal Premier League PAD Committee has requested a response from the Bricerno Soccer Club regarding these latest allegations and they have opted not to reply. Based on the photographic evidence supplied and the two prior warnings the NorCal PAD Committee finds that the totality of this incident shall be resolved as follows:

1) Pending approval of the NorCal Premier League Board of Directors, the PAD Committee hereby recommends that the Briceno SC be suspended for 6 months from registering for any NorCal Premier Soccer Event. If after serving its 6-month suspension the Bricerno SC has complie