NorCal Incident Reporting



Type of Incident:Ethics
Date of Incident:2018-04-15
Time of Incident:03:50:00
Location of Incident:Octo inn field 2
Home Team:Solano Premier 01 Reds
Visiting Team:Blue Angels
Age Group and Gender:U17B
Team Affiliation of Individual Committing Incident:Blue Angels
Incident Summary:Mass confrontation with a number of issues alleged to have occurred between the two teams.
Comments:There were a number of problems here and both teams are responsible for what happened. 1 - coaches need to calm situations not exacerbate them. 2 - Parents always need to stay off of the field.
The head coach of both teams is suspended 2 games for failing to control their respective spectators and teams.
The return match is cancelled and neither team will receive points from that cancelled match.