NorCal Incident Reporting



Type of Incident:Ethics
Date of Incident:2022-07-11
Time of Incident:04:00:00
Location of Incident:San Mateo County
Home Team:SMC U15G Academy I
Visiting Team:BSC 07G
Age Group and Gender:U15G
Team Affiliation of Individual Committing Incident:BSC 07G
Incident Summary:Allegation that a SMC player was invited to participate with a Burlingame team on a European trip that included tournament play. Burlingame obtained the approval of the player's SMC coach, but not the approval of the SMC DOC. The PAD Committee originally ruled that no action would be taken. SMC appealed the PAD Committee's ruling and the Executive Committee has returned this Incident to the PAD Committee for review.
Comments:When a club desires that a player registered with another club guest play at a tournament, the club desiring to have a guest player should first approach the DOC of the player's current club to request permission to have the player guest play. Once the DOC of the player's current club gives permission, the club seeking the player can then approach the player to guest. As Burlingame failed to approach the SMC DOC prior to inviting the player to guest play Burlingame has violated the NorCal rules against Recruiting as set for the in Section 4.4 of the Handbook. For this violation, the coach of the Burlingame team, Jackie Castro, is suspended 1 game.