NorCal Incident Reporting



Type of Incident:Other — Do not use if a team, player, coach, or spectator is involved. Use only if the incident cannot be classified as any other Type of Incident above.
Date of Incident:2018-08-04
Time of Incident:10:00:00
Location of Incident:Mary Grogon Park - Modesto
Home Team:Ajax United U15B Black
Visiting Team:Merced 03b Premier
Age Group and Gender:U15B
Team Affiliation of Individual Committing Incident:Ajax United U15B Black
Incident Summary:There was confusion regarding the time of the game. Because of the confusion, the coach assigned his son to serve as AR at the game.
Comments:At the time of the game, the son of the coach was not a registered referee. Relatives of coaches and players can never officiate games their relative play or coach. It is never acceptable for coaches to assign match officials. All match officials must be assigned by Certified Referee Assignors serving as Referee Assignors.