NorCal Incident Reporting



Type of Incident:Fields
Date of Incident:2019-07-12
Time of Incident:05:40:00
Location of Incident:fields
Home Team:DFC
Visiting Team:Ethics
Age Group and Gender:Unsure
Team Affiliation of Individual Committing Incident:DFC
Incident Summary:Field issue involving DFC using a field in Walnut Creek for training without Walnut Creek's permission.
Comments:While the PAD Committee generally does not review issues concerning fields, in this case, the PAD Committee is required to review this issue only because of the Region 3/4 RAC rule. In other regions where no such rule has been passed by the RAC, the PAD Committee will not review issues regarding the use of fields. The PAD Committee requests guidance from the NorCal Board of Directors and/ or Region 3/4 RAC regarding the meaning of the Region 3/4 RAC rule that reads: "Clubs can’t use another club’s fields without getting permission first from that club to rent them."
Specifically, the PAD Committee requests clarification as to the meaning of the phrase "club's fields". Does this mean any field in a certain city? Any field listed in a club's application to join NorCal? Does it mean a field a club uses once? Or does a club have to use a field a certain percentage of the time? If a field is used on certain days by one club, is that field available on other days to neighboring clubs