NorCal Incident Reporting



Type of Incident:Other — Do not use if a team, player, coach, or spectator is involved. Use only if the incident cannot be classified as any other Type of Incident above.
Date of Incident:2022-02-21
Time of Incident:09:00:00
Location of Incident:Los Gatos High School
Home Team:Matt Grassam
Visiting Team:NA
Age Group and Gender:U11B
Team Affiliation of Individual Committing Incident:Matt Grassam
Incident Summary:Allegation that 2 FC Bay Area coaches held a club neutral camp during ski week that was attended by LFC players. There are claims that there may be violations of privacy laws.
Comments:If there are data breaches or violations or privacy, please contact the appropriate authorities or obtain private legal advice.
There is no rule against clubs or coaches running camps that are attended by players registered to other clubs. The only time there is a violation is if a player attends a camp, and then subsequently attempts to move to the club that ran the camp outside of the tryout window. Matt Grassam possesses a valid coaches pass from USClub Soccer.