NorCal Incident Reporting



Type of Incident:Ethics
Date of Incident:2020-06-01
Time of Incident:11:00:00
Location of Incident:Loomis
Home Team:2009G
Visiting Team:2009G Pumas
Age Group and Gender:U12G
Team Affiliation of Individual Committing Incident:2009G
Incident Summary:This addresses Incidents 3871 and 3876. It is alleged that a Trainer privately trained certain players registered with FC Sporting. The Trainer was then hired by Placer United and several of the Players she had trained moved to one of the teams the Trainer was assigned to coach.
Comments:This is the decision for Incidents 3871 and 3876. Kim Gonzalez served as a Trainer for several Players registered to FC Sporting. Ms. Gonzalez was then hired as a Coach by Placer United and assigned a team in the age group on which those Players play. After her appointment by Placer United several Players registered to FC Sporting that Ms. Gonzalez had trained decided to register for Placer United and play on a team coached by Ms. Gonzalez.
An individual who trains players privately is considered a Trainer under the NorCal Code of Ethics. A Trainer training a Player registered with another Club is deemed to have made contact with that Player under the NorCal Code of Ethics outside of the Tryout Window. That the Player would then join the Club for which the Trainer is employed is deemed Recruiting. Whether there was intent to violate the Recruiting rules is not material to making this decision.
As Ms. Gonzalez has violated the NorCal Code of Ethics rules involving Recruiting, Ms. Gonzalez is suspended either for (a) 2 games if she does not coach the players listed in the Incident Report, or (b) 6 games if she does coach the players listed in the Incident Report within 1 year of those players leaving FC Sporting.