NorCal Incident Reporting



Type of Incident:Injury
Date of Incident:2018-10-06
Time of Incident:09:10:00
Location of Incident:Derr-Okamoto Park
Home Team:03G White
Visiting Team:Attack 03
Age Group and Gender:U16G
Team Affiliation of Individual Committing Incident:Attack 03
Incident Summary:A player suffered a blow to the head in a collision. The player later returned to the game.
Comments:If the referee knows a player has suffered a blow to the head, and is concerned that the player MAY have a concussion, the referee MUST NOT allow the player to return to the game. The coach should always err on the side of caution and if the coach believes the player MAY have a concussion, the coach MUST NOT return the player to the game.
Actions here appear as if they may violate head injury protocols, and both the coach and the referee should review those protocols and make sure to follow them every time.